I hope you're not in such dire state that cleaning looks like fun to you. Everything else on your list reads really fun, though.
My apartment is in a truly dire state, and as of Monday most of what's cluttering it up can just go in the trash! Or recycling.
A friend who is doing her Masters' now (though she's only at her first year) likes to say that just in these times of the most urgent need to sit and study, when the material bores her and she really truly doens't want to sit and study, that's the time when suddenly she notices how her apartment needs cleaning, how she really needs to cook healthier food, with a long and complicated list of instructions, even how she suddenly re-connects with all friends and aquitances, because even looking up their phone numbers and talking to them seems more appealing than studying.
OK, that was a really long sentence.
Sadly, I find a way to read the entire internet before I do anything at all useful, either for my personal life or my academic life!
Yeah, I guess there are advantages to so much of the internet being in English and her not wanting to read English unless she has to.
There's enough internet in Hebrew to prevent me from getting to actually doing anything, just fine, though, for the record. So I don't know how she stops herself from that. Oh, and I've never even checked any other languages.
Bah. It's only 10:37? That's unpossible. Obviously there's been some sort of relativistic time slowing, like, say, some massive object near the Universal Time Keeper....
tommy, I'm sorry. You're suffering from a severe case of WrongTimezone-itis. Nothing that a little trip over an ocean or two can't cure.
tommy, I'm sorry. You're suffering from a severe case of WrongTimezone-itis. Nothing that a little trip over an ocean or two can't cure.
Heh. Yeah, that must be it....
I am a master of procrastination in the pursuit of higher working efficiency. I keep telling Jesse that's just what she's doing.
OK, where are my thunderstorms? The radio promised me thunderstorms.
OK, where are my thunderstorms? The radio promised me thunderstorms.
They're stalled over Chicago and the Midwest, where they're suppose to remain for the next four days.
Last night, the radar was kinda cool - the storms are just spinning in circles above us....