Money, sex, and chocolate.
I read that somewhere.
Re: Lost--I'm way over the device of
pulling back and cutting audio to deliver bad news.
I don't know if I liked it the first time I noticed it (on Buffy)
because it was well done, or because it was first, but it's getting progressively more like a trick to me, and has less impact.
What about Bill Richardson from New Mexico?
Ack! Don't run Richardson; he's such a schmooze!
I really like Evan Bayh. But, you know, I'm not in your party, so it's not really up to me.
All I accomplished today was putting away the laundry. I hate the laundry. It's like the dishes, there are always more of them. The SO's been sick again, so I ended up doing the double session of classes alone this week. Which means I'm getting jack else done, and I really need to get ready for summer. The roommate's family is moving in next month, with a toddler, and I have a lot of cleaning up and ordering to do.
However, I have been having Good Food Days. Yesterday we had grilled mahi-mahi with tropical salsa over coconut rice. Today we had Molto Mario's Prosciutto al Forno (which is just baked ham, but oh so good) with spinach salad with strawberries, jicama, kiwi and honey poppyseed dressing.
eta: When is this hockey game going to end? My idea was to watch it and then watch the tivo'd Top Chef, but we're now almost halfway through the 2nd OT. I have to work tomorrow, peoples, work with me!
Money, sex, and chocolate.
I want Liese's food days.
I would like her food days without the ham and the jicama. Fruit in the salad rocks, though.
I like jicama. I almost never eat ham, but every once in a while, if it's made right and sliced thin, I like it.
If ham is made right, I think it's too salty for me.
I've never had jicama, I think. It's just not a fruit, and not spinach. Why waste space with it?
Okay, taking my tired body to bed.
I recommend kettlebell for people trying to increase their core strength, balance, and humility.
That's one of my criteria for it being made "right"-- it can't be that salty.
The ham was free, and from a local processor. Does that count for something?
The recipe called for a bay leaf, rosemary and fresh lemon juice rub, left on overnight. Then baked, basted with white wine (and grappa, but I skipped the grappa), and baked some more. It was really not very salty at all. It was a fresh ham, not cured, so there wasn't any residual salt to begin with.
I really liked the jicama. It was new to me.
I was also glad I'd eaten the fish before reading the alarming mercury studies.
I really liked the jicama. It was new to me.
I love jicama. Slightly sweet, crunchy, a little starchy. Peeling it is a bitch. Delicious though.
Yeah, I had trouble peeling it. Any tricks? 'Cause I was in a hurry and ended up only peeling the half I needed immediately, and I still think I did something to either my fingernail or my paring knife.
I was expecting the crunchy and starchy, but the sweet was a pleasant surprise.
In other news? That "Because daddy never hugged me/Because the more they love me the more I love myself" VW Passat commercial is creepifying and really upsetting.