Ugh. This makes me want to rip my hair out. There's already talk of Jeb Bush running for president. I really hate that family.
I'm almost positive PCBs have been an issue, though they aren't a plastic--there I think you're thinking of flame-retardant PDBEs.
You're right. My bad. I mixed the two up. I get all confuzzled and tend to lump the whole lot into acronyms-my-husband-won't-let-into-the-house.
Apparently, it boosts brain development in babies, but not so much that our insurance company wanted to pay for it.
I mean, come on, what would be the value in that? Brain development, feh. If this country cared about brain development...well, see Burrell's post above.
Plei, they tried to give me a prescription for a new prenatal vitamin with Olivia that wasn't covered on my insurance (and outrageously expensive) and when I asked what the difference was they said, Omega 3's had been added.
I'm pretty sure they weren't in my generic prescription ones.
I have heard that you can judge a portion of meat as being approximately the size of your palm, but I don't know how accurate that is. What I always find fascinating are the articles that compare American sized restaurant portions with European restaurant portions.
Actors, sara.
Well, I knew that much. Just that I haven't been watching, so I don't know who they play.
They're actually
both blasts from the past -- you remember Anna, the blonde? And Theresa, Ryan's possible baby's mama? Both back.
What I always find fascinating are the articles that compare American sized restaurant portions with European restaurant portions.
Le Bloke and I were just discussing this the other day. He was telling me that abreakfast deal is a large coffee and two donuts. TWO! Why would one person ever need two donuts for one meal? It's madness!
I get all confuzzled and tend to lump the whole lot into acronyms-my-husband-won't-let-into-the-house.
Oh, God, me too. Well, except for the husband part.
The firm had a potluck and BBQ today, and I ated too much side dishes. This afternoon is going to last forever, unless I actually fall asleep.
Why would one person ever need two donuts for one meal? It's madness!
No kidding! I require at least 3, and 4 if they're those small-ass cake donuts.