Hi, Nillly.
However, do I remember correctly, that exactly a year ago, Burrell's son, Isaac, was born? If I do, then happy first birthday, and lots of wishes for wonderful many more, for not just the birthday-boy, but also his mommy, daddy and big sister!
Happy Birthday, Isaac!
That seems incredible to me. It always does, but Isaac is much closer to newborn, in my brain, maybe because I'm not on the board much when Burrell is.
Can you see a particle of difference between that and a work of declared fanfiction? I can’t.
I will steal a notion from Ellis, because it is apt and concise: Brooks got paid. Thus, not fanfic. Simple. Next?
I have docked again at the quay of consciousness. I hope today goes better than yesterday did. Flexeril is God, or at least an archangel of pain-relief.
Happy birthday, Isaac!!
Did I mention the oops part? It was so light a tap. Just at the right angle, with my knuckle poking at the right place.
Uh huh. You know that's what they all say.
Special for bon bon: Did you see Roger Clark doing slam poetry?? About Pat Kiernan? HAR!!
Actually, they all say "Dude, did you see? Walked right into my fist."
Happy birthday, Isaac!
Duh. No genre label does that. So?
Strega, the people she was discussing it with did. So that's why she made the distinction. As for the paid/not paid line, it was similarly responding in context to people slamming fanfic (as in working in someone else's world) for being not real and uncreative. So she was citing instances in which we already accepted something 'derivative' as worthy in its own right.
:: casts a vote for the Women @ Provocateuse site ::
PMM could consult. Her judgement has worked for me.
Got into the office late today, but still before most of my colleagues. Slackers. I need coffee. Also, to phone Sears and have them deliver a not-dead dishwasher and take away the very mostly dead extant one.
wow, that went fast.
House: I could marry either House or Wilson after this ep, but I guess I could mess up a long-standing 'ship if I did.Enjoyed watching House snap at the faith healer, I gotta tell you. Because I've so often been their special project.