sara, I hope this passes quickly.
A nifty thing about LA is that when you think 'Hey, that looks like Sally Struthers.' sometimes it is. And sometimes the pharmacy staff will repeat her name over and over. And spell it a couple times. Yet manage to fill your own prescription with minimal naming.
Huh, ita.
Well, I guess she needs pills too...I'm not implying, like, Pills.
I guess I'd look at photos of Drea from the Sopranos either wet or barefoot, but I'm not sure if there *are* photos like that.
Where do I buy an air conditioner? Please to help.
I got my current one at PC Richards (Union Square), but the internets tell me has J&R has better prices.
And sometimes the pharmacy staff will repeat her name over and over. And spell it a couple times.
That's awesome. Do you think they were dopey, or had their mother on speakerphone?
I shouldn't laugh, but oh GOD did they pump him full of fluids. His whole torso is like a giant jiggly water balloon. And he's still leaking. Poor baby.
flea, I got something similar to this last summer: [link]
It worked okay. I only went swimming a few times while pregnant and always at a pool so there weren't too many people who would see me.
You can stuff both inside an octopus and make yourself an octosquish.
Jessica, this made me laugh and laugh!
sara, did they take an x-ray?
And now I can't get my fucking isp to send mail. I've triple and quadruple checked the settings, but it keeps saying the password is wrong. Which is fucking ridiculous because I haven't changed ANYTHING.
msbelle, that and/or ultrasound will be up on deck once they get the bloodwork done. I literally called at 5:40 and got the last appointment of the day, so it wasn't going to happen tonight. And I'm not thinking about the implications of that for now.