I'm watching Good Eats where he's talking about various greens. He just gave a tip that I GAVE HIM!!!!!! I met Alton Brown at a book signing a few years ago (with Kathy A) and I told him that my mom used to wash big loads of greens in the washing machine. He had never heard of that before and thought it was a great idea.
He just said it on the teevee!!!
THAT'S SO HOT. Edit: I just set up the DVR to record the rerun. Fun!
Oh. Em. Gee. ChiKat, I've seen that one! You are a ROCK STAR!
Dude, did he credit you?
No, but I know he got the idea from me. That's all I need. Warms my wee heart, it does.
I know Alton is Jessica's proclaimed tv boyfriend, but I have quietly lusted on the sidelines. And, now, I contributed to a show!!!
Congratulations! That is a very interesting tip. I imagine it must be very helpful with the spinach grit.
I am unreasonably giddy right now. Hee!!!
I imagine it must be very helpful with the spinach grit.
Very helpful. My parents always grow collard greens, and it's a great way to clean a mess of them. My mom used to pick them and put them in a laundry basket. She'd come in, trim the stems and dump them into the laundry like a load of clothes. Grit gone.
It's surprising how hard it is to get dirt out of greens. I cut just a few leaves of lettuce from the garden the other day and even using my fingers to rub at dirt stains, I couldn't get the stuff clean enough to pass supermarket muster.