Some time ago my vcr turned on by itself and started rewinding an old tape that was in there while I was watching The Ring on dvd.
One time watching Scream (I think? Something that really shouldn't have been that scary), someone rang the doorbell and the phone rang simultaneously, and we all just about jumped out of our skins.
My forehead and my left cheek are sunburned. The areas around my eyes is Casper whiter. I look silly. Note to self: reintergrate sunscreen into morning regime.
Anybody else watch West Wing? I thought Sam had been elected to Congress in place of the dead guy Will was campaigning for.?
You're right, quester! I had forgotten about that! Any chance
that his term had ended by now?
I thought that
he ran, but didn't win.
I seem to remember
Pres and someone talking tht he didn't have a chance.
Oh, while I think of it, the GA
clip show was totally annoying.
Aimee, I'm pretty sure
he won. That's how they got him off the show.
Thanks for the GA note Sue. Now I definitely won't watch.
It was narrated by Joe the Bartender.
Saw is over. Now I really have to netflix SawII. Well, not right away, but sometime.
Me for bed. happy dreams everybody.