Spread your plantations out. Big Brother is watching.
A billion years ago I had some plants growing in a sandbox in the backyard. Wild of course. Anyway, I had some roof repairs done and the roofers stole the plants! I didn't report the heinous theft.
You know, it doesnt really have anything to do with pot. Another of these same neighbors has a contract to supply corn to a certain (watch Fox, you will see the ads) bottler of liquor.
Okay, I am becoming Johnny One-Note. I'll sign off as:
Pissed in the Midwest
And my game is over. Go Heat! So I am off to sleep.
Random news: Ray Nagin in the lead in early returns. [link]
Go Ray!
Was going to sleep, but am too wound-up.
I chat, therefore I am.
I would kill for a new
The Wire
NOLA could get a new mayor. Or not.
Gus the drug war is a disgrace. I hope there is a provable flaw in the case against your farmer friend.
Gus the drug war is a disgrace. I hope there is a provable flaw in the case against your farmer friend.
What Typo Boy said. (Also, BTW, Gar, love your tagline.)
Thanks, Typo. I agree, the "drug-war" is all about suppression and oppression. Also? It is about "chilling effect". I confess that the jack-boots have stomped on my willingness to say more.
Thanks for the link, Laura. i knew there were elections today, but did not make the obvious leap that there would therefore be election returns.
I remember the (recent) mayor of NOLA as being outraged against FEMA, which puts him down in my book of Good Guys. There was also a thing about one NOLA mayorial candidate being into campaigning-by-photoshop.
That is all I've got for NOLA.
Nagin was a Democrat for Bush in 2004, started criticizing the Feds after he got screwed by Bush along with his city. He has continued to play a role in some of the post Katrina horrors that are forcing poor people out of the city. Still a lesser evil compared to Landrieu, so it is good news that he won.