xpost with Bitches for those following my work drama: my Weasel Boss quit and went to another firm. After being with my (ex)Firm for a mere six months of pure ineptitude and never figuring anything out.
We've got little league games today and tomorrow. I'm ready for the weekend to be over so I can get back to the unemployed enjoying of the house to myself.
We had the little league parade in our town, today. It's the first time all three children have played, and the first time we've participated with more than one child actually marching. It was chaos, finding the teams. Chris didn't even meet his coach until the parade, and we meet on the town common, so it's hard to find a guy you don't know in a crowd, you know? We came home with as many children as we left with though, and they seem to be the same ones, or at least fit in their clothing, so we're good.
I know what you mean about having the house to yourself. We just had April vacation, which I usually love, but I was sick for the last half of last week (but couldn't just take to my bed due to various commitments) and the first half of this week. Our little car died. Scott started working out of state. The mechanic called on Friday, and said he's going to have to take things apart to see if it is worth saving the little car (because it's a 91 Toyota, but it only has like 70K miles on it, and I bought it new back in the day).
So, yeah. Usually, I'm all about April vacation. This year, everything conspired to make it not work for me. I had more jammie days than I'd admit to, except dh is my witness, since he worked from home a couple of days. My routine has gone straight to hell, and although I usually hate when the kids go back to school, and he goes back to work, I really need that to happen, so I don't end up living in a house of filthy horror.
Timelies. 'suela, I've bought a sleeves for my laptops so that I can put them into whatever I feel like. Whereas there have been laptop thefts around here, no one's ever vultured after me. Even though my 17" PowerBook is so big that it peeks out of my canvas bag a bit. I think the fact that my canvas bag is so full of papers and shit as well has been somewhat protective. I bought my first sleeve from Spire and my 17" one from Tom Bihn. In fact, one of the ones with the tag. [link]
Like an idiot, I stayed up way too late again. Didn't get to sleep 'til 4amish. Woke up at 11. I'm full of things I want to do today and overwhelmed by it. I can't possibly do them all. But I want to! I hope I don't end up being non-productive as part of my usual all=or=nothingness. Want to get my bike in good shape (I haven't been able to take it out because of the construction but the high gas prices are going to make me fight to find a way). Want to go to the Farmer's Market...maybe do some Earth Day things. Want to start decluttering the house because it's depressing me. Need to rehearse. Want to clip the many many weeds going to seed in my garden. Can't possibly do all of this in one day.
Seriously? Who would believe this - other than the two women who did? A stranger knocks on my door offering to feel me up is gonna get a kick in the nuts and a slammed door.
omg people are stupid!
Thanks for the link, Spidra. I caved and bought the Kara B bag at Zappos, but now I'm looking at the Soft Cell for my laptop anyway...
Both of those bags looked really nice, Suela. I guess the question is if you carry the laptop all the time or not. If not, it makes sense to invest in a smaller day-to-day bag.
And she doesn't even like to hug!
A stranger knocks on my door offering to feel me up is gonna get a kick in the nuts and a slammed door.
Seriously. Although one time (high school? home from college? I was pretty old) I let some people in who wanted to pray for me or something. Random.
I think that is the best - haveing a laptop bag that doesn't look like a laptop. DH has so many other parts for his ( just call him roadboy)that an envelope would never work. but it might be good for me if "my laptop" ever gets working.
and people stupid- but really - door-to-door breast exams?
and my motivation is low . But DH is still on east coast time. so there was breakfast. and then I cleaned and reorged the laundry areawhich it really need I watched a little bit of tv. He is still in the garage. should I nap or play with beads?
Napping is often a good idea. I would like to nap. Alas, it is not in the cards. I went and Bought Stuff and now I need to finish my paper.
it is cold and rainy and yuck outside. I am in for the rest of the day.
A stranger knocks on my door offering to feel me up is gonna get a kick in the nuts and a slammed door.
Especially if the stranger looks as skeevy as that guy's mug shot. I mean really.
It is totally cold and nasty here. Thank goodness for Tivo and DVDs.
I vote for beads but that's just because I'm also trying to urge myself to get the flock out of the house and be productive. While seeing loads of ugly shoes yesterday I saw one that had a good idea (while not well-enough realized). They were a pair of slides with round mother-of-pearl beads (flat rounds, not spheres) encrusting the straps. I would like some ballet flats or something of that nature completely encrusted in that. Really really elegant. Like something a tsarina would wear.