If someone has a certificate, wouldn't you call them certified?
Do avoid confusion with definition 3. - "fit to be certified as insane (and treated accordingly)" - I think that the forms "Certified X", "Y Certified" or "Y Certified X" are preferred. Where 'X' indicates the area of expertise in which the person holds a certificate and 'Y' indicates the body that has certified this person.
E.g. Certified Systems Engineer, Microsoft Certified, Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer.
You may argue amongst yourselves about whether these particular examples are synonymous with definition 3.
I'm greedy in that fashion.
Ah, I think I'm probably greedy the other way. I'm more into hoarding.
I never think of certified as meaning insane. Certifiable, yes.
I was just bemused by all the references on various websites to "certificated" teachers. dictionary.com recognizes it, though, so... okay.
"Certificated" is the preferred regulatory term. It's a bureaucrat thing.
Enily, where I'm at, teachers need to be certified by the Provincial Dept. in order to be able to teach in public schools. Certification confirms their education, experience and any professional development training they receive and determines their pay class.
I think there's also National Board Certifications in the US, isn't there?
"Certificated" is the preferred regulatory term. It's a bureaucrat thing.
Dude, seriously? That's just tragic. Reminds me of how, in New York State, everything is "Personal" instead of "Personnel," presumably because of one dopey person years ago.
I'm afraid I give up on this paper today. Between the good weather and the identity theft? Bah. Someone did, in fact, have my social security number and stuff (and parents' address) and use it to open a charge account with Neiman Marcus. It should be in the process of being cleared up already, but STILL.
Yes, but there's also state certification, which is what they're talking about. Still, getting certification means you're certified, no? I suppose there's a distinction between being certified and having a certificate, but I'm not sure it's a significant distinction.
To confuse it even further, people will say certified teachers are licensed.
I have never seen the word certificated before. Huh.
Glad the identity thief got caught, Jesse. That's creepy, aside from the practical issues.