I thought you were supposed to be able to tell who was gay from finger lenght ratios, too, no? Is that supposed to be related to the testosterone thing?
Yes, in an equally sketchy way. Quite a few studies have reported that gay men have higher i:r ratios than straight men but some other studies have found the opposite. With women only about half of the studies find the expected lover i:r ratios for lesbians relative to straight women.
What we know for sure is that average i:r ratios for men are lower than average levels for women. After that it gets sketchy, but there is some evidence that within groups of men or women you find low i:r associated with more traditionally masculine patterns of interests, abilities etc. So, for instance, some studies have found that high i:r is more associated with verbal intelligence and low i:r with spatial/quantitative intelligence. But the effects are really small and seem a little dubious to me.
Apropos of nothing, I knew someone in high school with freakishly tiny pinky fingers -- perfectly normal-sized hands, but the pinkies were just barely longer than the first joint of her ring finger. We all got seriously weirded out by her hands (including herself), and during the frantic weirded-out universal hand comparisons that immediately followed, we found that our improv teacher had the exact same tiny pinkies. Never seen anyone in the 20 years since with those pinkies, though.
Man, I am typo girl today. BIG toe. Finger LENGTH.
I like the idea of a bug toe. Would it be the fourth one? I guess the second could be called index, and then middle the third. Of course there is the pinky. But we don't call the fourth the ring toe.
My pinky toe is possibly a bug toe as well -- it's itsy bitsy and barely even has a nail.
My feet are perfect for pointy shoes -- they're naturally pointy!
My pinky toes are suitable for pointy shoes all by themselves. They are weirdly pointy and curled. Unfortunately, the rest of my feet don't fit in pointy shoes. The skinny part is the heel. Frog flippers!
I've got great, big Sasquatch feet and they have equally freakish toes.
I'm not a sandals girl.
Apparently I don't have nice feet.
I'm Jamaican. I don't care enough to let it affect my footwear.
Though since I've moved to LA I feel naked without toenail polish, even during closed-toe season.
I'm naked right now, as a matter of fact. Aside from the clothes.
I think the dependency issues my scientists have is largely my fault. I feel like it's my job to take as much bureaucracy off their desks as humanly possible, because when I do things, more science can happen.
The issues I have usually have more to do with disrespectful behavior. Sure, I will of course write the administratrivia memos for you, but no, you cannot leave half eaten food in the supply room. That's disgusting, and incredibly disrespectful.
I have a rule: If you take the last of something, toss the empty wrapper/box on my desk so I know to order more. When you leave empty boxes of supplies in the cabinets, I don't know that things need reordering.
So I've taken to taping the empty boxes and wrappers to the cabinets, since I can only assume they are left for decoration. There are now signs on the inside of cabinets that read, I AM AN OPEN DOOR. CLOSE ME.
There are a few limitations to the paperwork I can take from you, and you can't get angry when I tell you I cant do it.
I cant fill out your timecard for you. There's currently 36 of you. I have no idea when you were here, and what projects you worked on. I cannot fill in descriptions of what sort of laser you are using on paperwork, because I am not a scientist. You are. I don't know whether it is a 30mW or 50mW. If I were expected to know, I certainly would be making more money.
I do not have a background in science. So if you ask me to order rubidium, you are not allowed to laugh at me if I ask if it is hazardous. I need to fill out paperwork to expedite orders that are hazardous, and it's an enormous task. Laughing at me only makes me put your order at the bottom of the pile. It's rude.
Hm. That was ranty.
I think you should take the old food and put it in the desks of the offenders. And make sure you have good ventilation around your desk.
I never fail to be amazed (see: the guy who came into my office to hold a private cell phone convo) by the utterly insane lack of social awareness displayed by the people I work with (similar demographic.)