Heeeeerrrrreeeee motivation,motivation, motivation! Heeeeeerrrrrrreeee motivation, motivation, motivation! I have some nice things for you to do this morning!
OMG, no lie. So far this week, I've actually worked about 6 hours total. In 3 days. I've web surfed, checked b.org, checked LJ, done homework, etc. Have not done much work work. And, I still don't wanna.
I have some motivation, but way more stuff in my DO TODAY pile to get through. WAH!
You know what's kind of annoying? When you have to ask 4 people to okay something, and you call 3 of them after hours, miraculously find them all in their office, even though it's after 6:00 local time, and get their okay, but then discover that the 4th one is on vacation, and won't be back for a week, and isn't looking at his email or listening to his voice mail, which means that you have to a) wait a week to finish a 20 minute project, and b) have to ask the other 3 people, who didn't want to bother with the question the first time, to okay it all over again, since too much time will have passed.
Thanks for the COMM, Steph!
Thanks for the COMM, Steph!
You've got me giggling about Arrested Development all over again, so thank YOU.
Y'know, it just now occurred to me that the Purity Ball is the exact opposite of Motherboy.
And ouch, that laugh hurt my sinuses.
OK. I have done some dribs and drabs of work for the paper -- mostly getting the stuff I need. Tomorrow will be HARD CORE DAY. I swear.
The tacos I'm eating for lunch are like the Platonic ideal of tacodom. Fresh homemade tortillas, steak, onions, cilantro, and nada else. Mmmmmmmmmm.
Those purity dads? Obviously never worked on a stud farm. They need to reword that pledge to eliminate the phrase "cover my daughter," unless that's what they're bragging about.
Yick. Even then.
Dept. of Random, and also HAR:
One of the doctors I used to work for just stuck his head in the door and said, "So, I know this is completely insane and improbable because you never take vacation, but last Friday my family and I were stuck in the Las Vegas airport and someone who looked
exactly like you
walked right past us."
It's a big huge world, except for the part where it's frequently ridiculously tiny.