that's because you're not deep enough to appreciate it and all of its
So I just a little whirlwind of cleaning and my bedroom is all nice and neat. WHEE!. Also? 2 boxes were emptied and tossed.
I think that listing things on ebay might be a good activity for this evening.
Whew. I went to six hours of church. It was excessive. But it included good food, and much drama as the pastor went missing for the sunrise portion of the sunrise service. There was absolutely nothing in the way of formalwear other than the very sweet little girls all dressed in green. They were v. v. cute. I wore cargo pants (sorry, Jesse!), but with a turtleneck and a nice purple sweater. That's pretty dressed up, for me. I wanted to wear my cute flirty pink skirt (I swear, I do have one) but the SO put the kibosh on it. Good call, too, because it was freaking freezing out there. Nice and warm now, but I think that's to do with the bit where the sun doesn't actually warm the earth before it, you know, rises.
In Buffista foodie synchronicity, I'm having pork chops too, but with lemon rice instead of asparagus. That is, if I can figure out a substitute for black mustard. What is black mustard?
msbelle, I am thinking of listing some of my Buffy and Angel action figures on ebay. Do you think it would be better to post them one at a time, or in sets of 2 or 3?
I think we have a winner!
Had a wonderful belated Seder last night. The friend who invited us made homemade mazto ball soups, with matzos so light you expect them float away into the sky, homemade gefilte fish served hot. Also on offer, green beans almondine, homemade chopped liver (even though our friend hates chopped liver), made from scratch cheese cake, two varieties of charsoh from two different recipes. The horseradish was fresh grated. plus Manichevize macaroons.
The hostess also followed a few of her own special traditions, including the one where - when Elijah did not make it by midnight, she drank his glass on the grounds that "he had his chance".
If a recipe calls for bay leaves, and I don't have any, is there something I can use as a substitute?
Perkins, first do a search to see if the same items have sold recently (you can do a search on an item and choose to only see ended auctions). If they are selling, then list them all seperately. If not, then in groupings with some desirable ones with less desirable ones.
Thanks, msbelle.
(that made a lot more sense once I realized you aren't talking about bay leaves.)
I don't think bay leaves are a big whoop and you can leave them out, Perkins.
Speaking of not a big whoop, I had gefilte fish for the first time the other night, and I don't get why people think it's so nasty.
And I have Crash sitting on the DVR and doubt I'll ever actually watch it, either.