Apropos of no current conversation... I'm rewatching House S1, and was I the only one that never really "got" the stuff between Cameron and House? I get the plot, but it never felt at all real to me. Almost threw me off the show first time out.
You haven't found a place that delivers cat food? SO disappointed in you.
I am such a failure.
Outside pants are bad. Jammies are good.
See, Sail gets it. Plus, they are open tomorrow morning, when I have to put outside pants on anyway.
I think you (and Aimee) are right, Jesse.
Your poor cats. They're already too skinny.
I had a candy bar for them.
Schoolwork can not disown you or says bad things about your boyfriend. Buy gift = smart.
This is what I'm thinking!
Aimee's making fun of me, and my poor "underfed" cats, and THAT"S JUST NOT NICE.
Those poor starving cats. (Be careful. They might be able to take you down). Can they be appeased with a wooly mouse toy?
Poor kitties. They just meow with the hunger constantly.
So, So Mean. Both of you.
(the wooly mouse toy disappeared already. Dunno where.)
Perkins ATE it, he was so hungry.
I just had buffalo wings, and then a banana with peanut butter for dinner.