Er. It's so not up to me. And I personally think Kim is a lovely, witty person, so I'm biased on a personal level. And I don't watch Sopranos, so I can't comment on that part. So I feel all kinds of awkward. (I'm not irritated with you because of it, I'm just feeling...well, awkward.)
I mean... I do know. I really do. When the recapper isn't talking about the stuff you find interesting, and is spending time on stuff you don't care about? It's irksome. I understand. There are more than a few shows where I like the show, like the recapper, don't like the recap. It's not personal, it's just a matter of what I care about. But the thing is, everyone has their own subset of things they're interested in. And if she was going on about the symbolism, there's a group of people who'd think she was pretentious, and wonder why she wasn't talking about the outfits. Y'know?
And: well, I guess it was a faux pas in that I felt a bit awkward, but it's not a thing where I felt like "honor or death!" about it. I like Kim tremendously, I'm sad if her recaps aren't satisfying your desires for show discussion, but I don't get the impression you're wishing violence upon her, or saying she was an idiot, or anything like that.
No, please. I'm not meaning to say anything bad about her at all, and I'm very sorry that I've made you feel awkward and/or irritated about discussing it. In fact, I know I've read reviews by Kim that I've liked quite a bit, and usually you can see her personality in her recaps, which is one of the reasons I like TWOP so much.
[Edit] With those apologies, I'm dropping this.
Are you guys talking about the first two episodes of Heist? Or the 3rd one? (I haven't seen the 3rd one.)
Next Food Network Star:
I was sad to see Andy go -- I thought that Reggie was going based on what the judges were saying about his decreasing energy levels. I also cannot believe that they're buying Nathan's schtick.
Johanna was telling me earlier today that when... um... one of the above was starting, the reaction was, "Wow, what a great idea for a show! Why aren't more people doing that?" And then, suddenly, everyone was. (I assume she got this factoid from EW, or something similar.)
I've been watching Hustle for 2 or 3 months, I'm assuming that it was already run in England. And i'm pleased to say that the reason that I found it was that Tivo recommended it :)
Corwood -- Oh no, no worries. I feel awkward because I can't defend her or critique her, because I don't follow the show. Not irritated at all. Awkward, but not horribly, just... kind of an "I don't know! And I'm not just saying that; I really don't know!"
And I'm on my last beer, and about to cue up some NIN for maximum mope-age, so... well, lord knows if you had any questions about TWoP, now is the time.
Is it true that each of y'all are secretly the offspring of a winner from Battle of The Network Stars?
No, that's just silly. We were all bred in a top secret laboratory hidden under Mount Rushmore. Duh.
Was that before or after the images of Kang and Kodos were added?
Also, what about the dark rumors that ancient eldritch magics were used in extracting the pity from your televisions?
Any rumors about recappers sacrificing our souls to extradimensional horrors are clearly fantasy.
Excuse me while I try to deal with my sudden, uncontrollable shivers.