My biggest issue wrt flirting vs. hitting on, was the receiver thinking the former was the later.
What was described up above by both ita and erin was almost always interpreted as having intent. No way you do that and not have many men I know not think you wanna hook-up.
And for me anyway, flirting loses all fun when a guy I don't wanna sleep with starts acting like the hook-up is ON.
This is me. When I'm all sparkly outrageously flirty -- which is completely devoid of any fuckable intent -- is when the recipient invariably misreads it as an invitation to hook up, and I can't handle their reaction because it makes me feel like a small animal with a broken leg stuck in a trap.
(Geez, Tep. Issues much?)
But it's true. I only flirt if I'm SURE the recipient knows that it's not an invitation to hit it, because otherwise, the recipient's reaction -- well, frankly, it *scares* me.
All bets are off when it comes to Buffistas, though. Hell, I've made out with most of you already.
Yeah, I like flirting with completely inappropriate people, when you both know there's nothing else going on.
Also, I am confident that while people in the Conde Nast building may be greeting their business acquaintances with air kisses, that will not be spreading to the general US corporate culture any time soon. We had a lot of hugs and kisses in Mexico, but, not the US.
Finally, one time in high school I pined after a guy who was totally out of my league, and then it turned out he liked me too! We never really dated, per se, but we did go to the prom together. And whatnot.
Oh, in conclusion, many of you people were very funny this afternoon.
In I'm-a-dork news, I just got to hear this guy speak, and it was SO AWESOME. And I won a copy of his book! Suh-weet. I'm always glad when I go to shit like that, but too often I forget that.
Sounds excellent, Jesse. I'm just like you - I'm always so glad when I do shit like that, and then I forget and choose the couch instead. Need to stop that.
It was especially great (for me, not being an organizer) because while ~50 people had RSVPed, only like 15 showed up.
WHY IS SETH SUCH A FUCKING ASSHAT!!?!?!?!!! Gods, I hate him this season. I want Summer to beat him to death with a handbag.
I would have never flirted at all, if not for y'all.
It's like the Fresh Air Fund with glitter and porn.
My flirting isn't that complex-- I guess just a lot of smiling, laughing and cracking jokes.
Survivor is fiendish, isn't it? It's not always my favorite cast, nor do I always like where they'e going, but I think it's the best concept for a show, ever ever.
It's not always my favorite cast, nor do I always like where they'e going, but I think it's the best concept for a show, ever ever.
It's because they've kept it simple, for the most part. They've tweaked the format and added elements here and there, but mostly it's still just social strategizing, period. I love it.
Oh, DVR alert -- mine, from Time Warner, didn't realize that the Daily Show was new.