Do I still get Brave Points for telling so he wouldn't tell me how great the sex was with somebody else?
I thought I was just embarrassed till I wanted to Kill The Bitch. Then, brilliant observer I am, I figured my feelings had veered to the intimate.
There's a story for the kiddos, huh?"Mommy knew she wanted to be with Daddy when the thought of some furniture store manager's hands on him made her postal with impotent rage."
And my kid, being my kid, would ask a lot of questions. "Will I have impotent rage someday?"
"Kiddo, being that you're my daughter and latest in a long line of women that never did all they set out to do, I'd almost bet on it, honey."
One is dating Bob. One knows his carrotishness. Steve? Who knows. He might not make it to the second date.
Bob:Steve::carrots:indeterminate vegetable
One is dating Bob. One knows his carrotishness. Steve? Who knows. He might not make it to the second date.
Or Steve's carrot might be... overcooked.
Dude, Bob can totally kick Steve's ass.
You wait. It's only a matter of time before that's not what Bob is doing to Steve's ass, and we're all left here empty-handed.
Brokeback Carrot?
This is all very helpful.
Okay I think I've got it figured out, Bob was the relationship guy, but then he met Steve, they became gay lovers, this ended the relationship with Bob and therefore Bob became Steve.
All my crushes morphed into
umEW he's my FRIEND.
Which would be annoying except that it's like the crushes committed ritual suicide (um, the emotion, not the object of) and poofed, so there's nothing to be annoyed about.
There was only one incidence of pining, but I was an angst-filled 14. I'm giving myself a pass. 14 was rough.
Those bastards! So harsh. Tell Dug he's a meanie head.
So Mean! I know, I don't have to go far for noodles but noodle house in the neighborhood (with that logo) would have been so Genius!