Unfortunately, the woman in my office who is perfume-sensitive is also a total pain in the ass about nearly everything else, so it always makes me suspicious that she's just being a pain in the ass about the perfume, too.
I actually really dislike this woman, which makes me feel bad. It's come on gradually. She's not a raging bitch - which I would actually have less of a problem with. She's whiny and passive-agressive and I'd better stop because I don't like hating on people; I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt.
This one makes you put together a puzzle in order to shut it off. But I bet chucking it against the wall would work too.
OMG, that would not last a day before I had to kill it.
Alias scheduled!!
It's coming back April 19th at 8 pm Eastern with a two hour special.
(There are spoilers in the article I linked to.)
I hate-on people all the time, flea. Just drop your hate-on in my inbox and I'll process for you after lunch.
A sad day for H.R. Pufinstuff fans.
Consider yourself...at home...Consider yourself, part of the furniture. We've taken to you, so strong. It's clear. We're. Going to get along.
::wipes tear::
OMG, I just got the best dirt. The most vitriolic comments ("Get new management!" "X is TERRIBLE ... always down!") were tracked to a disgruntled ex-employee! (Who worked in OUR GROUP) Hahah!
This reminds me of a woman sitting in front of us at the theater the other night - she came in, sat down, and after a while, put on a paper surgical mask. Why then? I figure it can't be germ-phobia, because then she would have had it on in the lobby, no? Now I wonder if there was someone with perfume nearby or something.
Alias scheduled!!
Yay! I'm still enjoying it big time (and almost done with season 3 on my backlog - that just leaves the first half of season 4).
Unfortunately, the woman in my office who is perfume-sensitive is also a total pain in the ass about nearly everything else, so it always makes me suspicious that she's just being a pain in the ass about the perfume, too.
Woman I used to share an office with used to come back from lunch and all but
in body spray. Developed an allergy to all scented products and had to discontinue all use. I took it a sign that G*d likes me best.
Woman I used to share an office with used to come back from lunch and all but shower in body spray. Developed an allergy to all scented products and had to discontinue all use.
She's going to have to be more careful about her nooners from now on, isn't she?