A lot of people just don't take it seriously, and that's frustrating.
I've actually lost a bit of hearing, thanks to too much loud rock music, and I have this same problem. Sometimes even my gf doesn't take it very seriously, and it's always very frustrating.
ita, have you tried air purifiers? I've never used one, but I've seen them in catalogues.
My mother has no sense of smell. Despite the almost-constant migraine sensitivity, I don't envy her at all.
Oddly, she seems to be able to taste fine. But gas leak, house on fire, random dogshit or bread baking -- she doesn't know about it before it hits one of the other senses. And she has a hard time getting people (including sometimes me) to remember.
have you tried air purifiers?
Do they work on small bits of large areas? Another good idea...
Hi Everybody! So exciting to post in Natter again. Been so very long.
Bookmarked that Origins link. Very interesting. I'm one of only two women in my building, and the other is even less perfume-y than me. However, there is
paint-y or tar-y or some-other-fume-y stuff going on at our facility and the one next door. "Peace of Mind" could come in very handy.
I need some kind of cheap folding screen for our production offices, to section off somebody's desk and give them some privacy for working.
Depending on your definition of "cheap," here are offerings from
Cost Plus
Pier One.
Drat, should have meara'd. All I can remember.
I've actually lost a bit of hearing, thanks to too much loud rock music, and I have this same problem.
My sister and cigarette smoke - same thing.
Ignorance is one thing. If one doesn't even know a condition exists, it's hard to be sensitive to sufferers. But once one has been cluesticked educated, play nice!
A lot of people just don't take it seriously, and that's frustrating.
Totally. I have a hyper-sensitive nose. People are dismissive.
FWIW, I've been able to deal with the occasional incense burning in my yoga classes by liberal doses of PH-neutral saline nasal spray. It helps move the odor-bearing molecules right along.
Yet another fancy alarm clock.
This one makes you put together a puzzle in order to shut it off. But I bet chucking it against the wall would work too.
I grew up in a family where 3 out of 5 are very sensative to scents. It is hard to remember even when you grow up with it.
In one of my last jobs the co president/founder was anti popcorn. he said it reminded him of lazy government workers. Scince over half the staff were ex government works , working on products that would help members of thier former proffessions - it was terribly tacky. and no one told you until after you made popcorn.