BA flights to Kenya rocked because their headrests curve around your head. Other than that, that's why I always get the window seat
They had that on my ATA flight from DC last week - I've never encountered it before. But yeah, window and pillow. Plus, it's easier to ignore the rest of humanity from the window seat.
willing to abuse prescription drugs if sleeping on planes is the result. I often can't read, and apart from BA's wide choice of channels, most flights haven't had decent in-flight entertainment.
Let the record show that, for the first time in 6 years, the Red Sox won their Opening Day game.
Apocalyptic conjuration may now commence.
How can people get to Monday without noticing the time change? I'd love to have Sundays that divorced from the world...but I never have.
Yet, someone at work was late because she didn't notice the time change.
Inflating that whole pillow manually (orally?) would be a bitch, but it would be nice to have it. I can never really sleep on planes, either, but I don't care enough to find the right drug that would do it for me -- most things that make most people sleep just make me groggy forever, but not actually sleep.
Spam o' the day:
Look young, feel smart
" the next few minutes... regardless of your age, sex, or current health status, how this common element can change the way you experience the next half of your life."
Hmmm... I wonder what element they're talking about. Well, there aren't
many elements.... plus we can rule out many of them right off the bat, like plutonium, mercury, arsenic, etc....
Arguably, oxygen can change the way you experience life, but we've got plenty of that....
Any guesses? I'm leaning towards rutherfordium (atomic number: 104) myself...
Well, they would do it, too.
Not in a way that you would *want*, but...
How can people get to Monday without noticing the time change? I'd love to have Sundays that divorced from the world...but I never have.
Yet, someone at work was late because she didn't notice the time change.
Maybe she was like me - set every clock to the correct time except the alarm clock, because there's no need for that on a Sunday?
set every clock to the correct time except the alarm clock, because there's no need for that on a Sunday?
But you noticed the time change. She didn't.