I have also now seen naked pictures of him.
Did you google? But according to a transgendered relative, one shouldn't use the birth gender, even in relation to pre-trans events. However, that might be just how my relative prefers it and not a general thing.
Hmm. I'm watching The Vice, which should be pretty easy to get into midstream. Sea of Souls is good--so far they're repeating what I've already seen, but it's nice paranormal detective stuff. Second Sight is airing--that's marvellous. Teachers is coming on--that's fun. I notice Red Cap which is military mystery. I recommend that too. Okay, I skimmed the listing and don't see any The Vice. It was a pretty short series run.
I'll schedule the ones showing and let it search for potential reruns of the rest. Thanks.
Turns out, I don't actually remember all of the shows I was watching once my dvr got all befuddled by my moving and nothing being right in its world.
My fireplace just stuttered and the smoke detector is chirpping (after I hushed it) so the window and slider are open and I am waiting for the air to clear. Chilly out there.
Did you google? But according to a transgendered relative, one shouldn't use the birth gender, even in relation to pre-trans events. However, that might be just how my relative prefers it and not a general thing.
I came across them Elsewhere. And preemptively apologize to Alexis Arquette, should she read that and be offended.
Funny SoaP photoshopped image: [link]
Linked on a board that I don't really read. You know how it is.
I have heard of that sort of thing in the past.
I dropped my character shoes off the be resoled with more durable soles, and the store had some lovely steel-toed Caterpillar boots for sale. But I already have boots that look like them, but without the steel toes. Plus what I really "need" (for first world values of need) is to replace my three hole Docs with ones a size smaller. I have two pair that need replacing, and according to Zappos they are pretty pricey themselves.
Bless BBCA and its lovely marathon rerunning.
Federal taxes are done, and I am getting a hell of a lot more back than I thought I would.
Being unemployed for an entire month, then paying a lot to move 650 miles to a lower paying job has its advantages, I guess.