Ooh, those sound pretty.
This has got to be a joke, and it's hilarious. Life lessons from TLC like, "Merlot and email don't mix" and "Turn off the TV before getting intimate." Heh.
I'm watching the Surreal Life, and it cracks me up how on board everyone is with Alexis as "one of the girls." I don't think I knew (s)he was transgendered in real life!
Yeah, but kmart was last on my list of likelihoods! I drove 40 miles today.
I don't think I knew (s)he was transgendered in real life!
The first thing I knew about her was that she was transgendered. I still don't know anything else, except for her family tree.
kmart was last on my list of likelihoods!
Fair enough. That place still skeeves me.
I thought that was just a character in The Wedding Singer. I have also now seen naked pictures of him. I feel safe saying "him" in relation to these pictures.
I have also now seen naked pictures of him.
Did you google? But according to a transgendered relative, one shouldn't use the birth gender, even in relation to pre-trans events. However, that might be just how my relative prefers it and not a general thing.
Hmm. I'm watching The Vice, which should be pretty easy to get into midstream. Sea of Souls is good--so far they're repeating what I've already seen, but it's nice paranormal detective stuff. Second Sight is airing--that's marvellous. Teachers is coming on--that's fun. I notice Red Cap which is military mystery. I recommend that too. Okay, I skimmed the listing and don't see any The Vice. It was a pretty short series run.
I'll schedule the ones showing and let it search for potential reruns of the rest. Thanks.
Turns out, I don't actually remember all of the shows I was watching once my dvr got all befuddled by my moving and nothing being right in its world.
My fireplace just stuttered and the smoke detector is chirpping (after I hushed it) so the window and slider are open and I am waiting for the air to clear. Chilly out there.
Did you google? But according to a transgendered relative, one shouldn't use the birth gender, even in relation to pre-trans events. However, that might be just how my relative prefers it and not a general thing.
I came across them Elsewhere. And preemptively apologize to Alexis Arquette, should she read that and be offended.
Funny SoaP photoshopped image: [link]
Linked on a board that I don't really read. You know how it is.