I don't think this is the jaw or bite so much as just stressing and clenching the jaw. The clench is just a symptom that then leads to worsening. I try to put my tongue inbetween my teeth so I don't shut them but then I forget. And clench.
Cass, I totally have this problem, and I got a bite guard that is designed to prevent you from clenching your jaw and it works well. My bite is only slightly off, but the clenching can actually alter your bite. My dentist was skeptical that it would help my headaches (it only apparently helps in a relatively low percentage of tension headaches), but it does. When I feel a headache coming on from jaw tension, I'll put my bite plate in and lie down for an hour or so, and it wards them off or alleviates a lot of the pain.
Really? That would be great. Thanks, Sue. Must go find dentist now. I'll get a rec today.
I have a bite plate to. I've had it for 10 years and I've almost chewed through it. It's saving my teeth from being ground down to nothing.
Ooh, since the Canadians are around, check out this pic in my sister's lj: [link]
(Please avert your eyes from the godawful formatting - I think I need to have a talk with the girl.)
Think Geek is having an April Fool's Day sale.
I think I caught the headache that was going around among the West Coasters last night.
Girl pees on iPod nano, thinking it's a pregnancy test
After a night of partying a group of people decided to continue drinking at their house. A girl who believed that she was pregnant (she had vomited in the morning) entered the toilet and discovered a white strip which she thought to be a pregnancy test. She peed on it and came out to show it to the others to figure out the result. It turned out that it was in fact an iPod nano, not a pregnancy test. So what happened to the iPod? It stopped working. The owner tried to send it in for warranty repairs, only to be informed that "the warranty does not cover pee-related damage".
I could see that happening
with a Shuffle. NSM a Nano.
Check out the pictures - there is kinda' a similarity. The pregnancy test thingie is white plastic with a round thingie on one end....
Still, you'd have to be pretty darn wasted....