You know, for example, you'll be confronted with a very difficult debate between science, on the one hand, and the hopes of science, and life.
Terrifying. It's like people thinking that everything would have been better if that pesky Copernicus had just kept his thoughts to himself.
I can't really think of anyone who did me wrong enough to deserve revenge. There's been instances where I've had the urge to lash out in anger (such as the two separate idiots who were driving 10 under the limit on a two lane road, then decided to floor it when I started to pass them, then slammed on their brakes as I did so I couldn't get back behind them either, nearly causing a head on collision in one case.) but nothing that I felt the need to get the person back for at a later date.
Closest I've been to death was probably when I nearly drowned when I was 8. Tried to jump across a creek, misjudged, panicked when I hit the water, couldn't tell up from down in the muddy water and was luckily pulled out by my friend.
Another time would be as a passenger in a overloaded Renault Alliance that ended up doing a 540 in during rush hour traffic when I was 16 because my friend riding shotgun decided it would be funny to jerk the wheel and then resettle it, which caused the driver to panic and try to counter-steer a swerve that wasn't happening. By some miracle we managed to spin between the oncoming cars and then the driver instinctively threw it into reverse and turned backwards into a driveway when the car stopped it's spin facing backwards in our original lane.
Of course, there's some other stupid incidents through out my childhood and teenage years involving fire, explosives, sharp objects and careless driving both by myself and others, but those are all "What was I thinking?" rather than actual cases of being near death.
ION, assorted fire dept. vehicles have been driving past with their sirens running for the last two hours and heading towards what could be the lake, the train station or the nuclear power plant. Only one actual fire truck, the rest being general fire dept vehicles, some hauling trailers with machinery. I have no idea what's going on.
ION, assorted fire dept. vehicles have been driving past with their sirens running for the last two hours and heading towards what could be the lake, the train station or the nuclear power plant.
If you start to see mutants coming from that direction, then you know it was the nuclear power plant.
If you start to see mutants coming from that direction, then you know it was the nuclear power plant.
I wouldn't be so quick to discount the long-slumbering lake people.
That's great news Matt.
Gillian Anderson
I saw her being interviewed on Fashion Television at the opening of a Louis Vuitton store in Paris, and she was totally talking with a British accent.
Yay, Matt!!
Is GA a natural blonde? Is that her color?
including the people on this board
We sent a skull. It was the Buffista way to say, "We're with you."
Excellent news, Matt. That's great.
::cancels Matt's skull order::