near death - well, Ive been in car accidents - but no serious injuries. I'm not really a risk taker
I am also glad to see everyone here.
I was thinking more about the vengence thing. - It isn't a belief in karma , but the fact that I have decided that most people that I put in the evil catagory - were that way to me or someone I love, because that is the way they are. And evetually, they will run into a situation that they have made due to thier evil choices in this life.
and I was thinking about all the evil athiest out there. Which is me. Actually , I am an agnostic. ( meaning I suspect there is no god, but I don't really have anything invested in the question) And I find that my ethical standards are high, compared to a number of other people. And I suspect it is because if I have done something wrong, I have done something wrong. If I have done someting wrong to someone, they can forgive me , but I still did something wrong. I can even forgive myself, and move forward, but there is no washing away of sins. I can live with this , because I believe that people gorw. Perfection is a journey , not a goal. ( In other words what is perfection at one time in you life maybe become less importatnt or change as you grow)
Just don't make it "List Your Top 5 Best Sandwiches Ever"....
What could possibly be cheerier than sandwiches?!?
How about, "What is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?"
Blah blah, life-affirming.
What could possibly be cheerier than sandwiches?!?
My dazzling personality and unparalleled beauty.
What could possibly be cheerier than sandwiches?!?
It's so chilly today--how about Best Soup Ever?
Mine was a butternut squash soup eaten at a small restaurant on the New Jersey coast. Thick, creamy, tasty...yummmm.
Blah blah, life-affirming.
Kids today. If it doesn't have death or revenge, it must not be "cool".
I feel like
life is fragile and random, and death is just a whisper away at all times,
anyway. Stories of close-call survival give me hope, I guess, because they remind me that it is possible to survive even when the odds are against you. Life is unfair, but because it's random, it's just as likely to be unfair to my advantage.
My monitor here at work makes all the letters very very small. I can't see what I'm typing.
My dazzling personality and unparalleled beauty.
But since I can't have that, I may just have to go and get myself a sandwich.
Best Soup Ever
The sandwich place around the corner from where I worked in SF had this thick, creamy, salty delicious mushroom soup with wild rice.
(I can't remember the name of the place dammit. I worked at 333 Bush...and it was around the northwest corner from my office.)
If it doesn't have death or revenge, it must not be "cool".
Death + revenge = cool. This is reason number one why Dana is not a million selling gangsta rapper today.