Yay, flea.
So, review was laughable. They changed the scale this year, so all the scores are lower than last year. Which is fine, but all my scores were below the "competent" level, including "Adheres to department dress code", which I have never once violated. So apparently, I'm not only a crappy tech, but I'm a crappy dresser, too. As a whole, it seemed arbitrary and meaningless and they just gave us the numbers they wanted to give us to justify whatever raise they were willing to give. Ugh.
ION, apparently this entire reorganization was devised by the new CIO, without any input from the existing managers, directors or employees. Whee.
They changed the scale this year, so all the scores are lower than last year. Which is fine, but all my scores were below the "competent" level, including "Adheres to department dress code", which I have never once violated. So apparently, I'm not only a crappy tech, but I'm a crappy dresser, too. As a whole, it seemed arbitrary and meaningless and they just gave us the numbers they wanted to give us to justify whatever raise they were willing to give. Ugh.
That sucks. So they're just trying to blame sucky raises on their employees. Nice.
Also, did you ever see that float yesterday?
That totally sucks, Kalshane.
flea, I have a friend who is significantly shorter than both her parents, but I'm pretty sure she was smoking and drinking and anorexic in middle school, which I'm going to bet stunted her growth. You probably don't want to encourage that, but what do I know.
Jamaicans say that coffee and swinging your leg over someone's head will stunt their growth. If you make your son a citizen of my fair country, there might be some benefits.
Oh, and I think there's something about concrete too.
Question for the hivemind...
What's the wording of the quote about some gay porn being less gay than Angel? Was this originally a Tim statement? Google's giving no love. Well it is trying to give me lots of love but of a gay porn type, where I'm just looking for the wording and source.
IIRC, it's Tim, and it's "Some gay porn? Less gay."
No, I know it's Tim, because he said it to my face. It's the words themselves that might be victim of time and cranial impact.
It's the words themselves that might be victim of time and cranial impact.
"Hey you! The blonde! Quit bonking your head!"
He said it to your face, ita? Okay. I went looking at your profile, because I thought you'd had it as a tag at one point, but couldn't find it. Now that I know it was spoken, I'm less concerned about the exact wording. Thank you.
(FWIW, my memory of the words as written were:
Some gay porn? Less gay than Angel.)
yay for flea bay boy to be !
and that kind of review sucks. the point of a review - to praise the employee where they are doing well and tell them where they can improve. and then a raise. how can you suddenly decide that nothing an employee is doing is right? but I am confused by something that is on my resume. the word trustworthy. Why would you hire anyone that you don't have above average trust in?