Brill insists that goth is a non-violent subculture. "They're like hippies. I don't know any goths who are into graveyard destruction or cat slaughtering. They like their graveyards and they love their cats."
Actually, I'm sure that, just as in every other part of society, there are goths that are violent or dangerous, but like Eddie Izzard says, I'm also sure they're weirdo goths. And also the tiny minority.
I'm having one of those days at work where I would *welcome* an impromptu all-staff meeting laying off half of us. I just can't decide whether I'd want to be laid off, or I'd want my enemies to be laid off, crushed, and driven before me, and I could sit back and listen to the lamentation of their women.
Would you like the land to be sown with salt so that nothing will ever grow there again?
authentically depressed
Now there's a phrase....
if you're still dressing like that at age 30 "you look like a twat."
A better-dressed twat than that guy, I'll bet.
I'm also sure they're weirdo goths.
"Little bit of a crowbar separation, thank you...."
Aiee! Best of luck, lisah!
I just finished (late! bad drone!) my self-evaluation.
It's 5:00 somewhere, right?
I brushed my head against a cobweb getting into my car, but it
t jillifont
wasn't until 20 miles later that I sniffed and something independently motile was suddenly in a position to scrabble against the inside of my left nostril. Then I snorted (out) and it disappeared.
t /jillifont
I didn't take time to look.
Insurgents returned to old tactics today and stormed a jail in the Sunni heartland at daybreak, killing 18 police officers and freeing all the prisoners inside.
That was to ita's whitefont. Gud's link deserves more of an expletive.
Fark Photoshop contest:
Snakes on a Plane
movie posters: [link]