Prison Break: Trudy, I'm assuming it's because of his daughter being right there, and having just appealed to him personally. ::handwave:: I'm just really curious as to how they're going to get Lincoln out of this. If they even are. Also, WTF on the VP?!?
Going back a bit: I can't really think of very many un-stereotyped Jewish men in recent movies. As for Above Rubies, I saw it, and thought it was good, but not great. Also, there were a few "Huh?" moments for me, when someone on screen did something that an Orthodox Jew just wouldn't do (I can't remember any right now), but overall, I remember being more impressed at how many little details they got right than at the few they got wrong.
On Friends, they never quite say whether or not Rachel is Jewish. Monica and Ross definitely are (or, at least, their father is, and Ross celebrates Chanukah.)
I remember when State of Grace started on TV, I watched the first few episodes with my family, and it became something that we all watched just because it was pretty much the only thing on TV that any of us could remember that was about a Jewish family, not just neurotic singles. (Well, my parents could remember Mrs. Goldberg, but since that was about 50 years ago, it doesn't really count.) Though some of the adults, especially Hannah's mother, were a bit over-stereotyped, they still seemed more relatable than most other Jewish characters on TV.
I came home to find this in my mail.
There's even a free toy inside!
Do the Cohens on the OC count? I mean, Seth is nerdy but his dad is a recreational surfer with scary eyebrows.
Prisonbreak: I
cried for at least the last 30 minutes of the episode even though I know that there is no way that they're killing Lincoln anytime soon. Also, I also figured that the governor called because it was his daughter's personal request.
24: Oh no,
McHottie!!! Wow, the VEEP is evil -- and he's going to kill McHottie! And Audrey -- Audrey is evil too -- isn't that,
excellent? Plus,
German spy was cute.
Yeah, if we're counting TV there's Grace Polk, though her father was working the stereotype.
I envy Allyson and her aerogel holding. My eye candy (and he was nice too! But unfortunately taken) in college got to work with the stuff and we were envious. But I still need zubbles.
That room set is pink, which is not me. But I tend to jewel tones. Crimson duvet cover and deep purple sheets, I am quite fond of. Now for a combo deep honey oak and wrought iron bed.
I'm not sure of ita's Rules of Order except that I've seen them violated. Some by me but not in her presence. Except the sleep and sighing and yawning, but that was all kosher and probably not in the cases she's ruling on. Cause otherwise, um, yeah, whatever.
On 24, I suspect that
Audrey has been framed. No proof, just a feeling.
But damnit,
they can't kill Vice President McHottie! He's all the Palmer we've got left!
Today sucked ass. I am going to bed. I am putting forth good thoughts for tomorrow.
Good night msbelle.
I will think good thoughts for tomorrow (both east coast and west coast versions) as well.