Shakespeare sonnet in ActionScript 2.0:
var summer:Object = {};
var thee:Object = {}; = "Summer Day"; = "Thee";
summer.lovelyness = 9;
thee.lovelyness = 10;
summer.temperature = 98;
thee.temperature = 98.6; = new Date(2006, 7, 31).getTime() - new Date(2006, 5, 1).getTime(); = new Date(2042, 6, 12).getTime() - new Date(1970, 8, 25).getTime();
summer.complexion = 0xFFCC33;
thee.complexion = 0xFFCCCC;
summer.fair = 10;
thee.fair = 10;
(there's more on the other side of the link, but you get the idea)
60 Minutes
report on the Bush administration censoring science:
Hansen is arguably the world's leading researcher on global warming. He's the head of NASA's top institute studying the climate. But this imminent scientist tells correspondent Scott Pelley that the Bush administration is restricting who he can talk to and editing what he can say. Politicians, he says, are rewriting the science.
But he didn't hold back speaking to Pelley, telling 60 Minutes what he knows.
Asked if he believes the administration is censoring what he can say to the public, Hansen says: "Or they're censoring whether or not I can say it. I mean, I say what I believe if I'm allowed to say it."
Dozens of federal agencies report science but much of it is edited at the White House before it is sent to Congress and the public. It appears climate science is edited with a heavy hand. Drafts of climate reports were co-written by Rick Piltz for the federal Climate Change Science Program. But Piltz says his work was edited by the White House to make global warming seem less threatening.
Might not be news to some, but it's cool that
60 Minutes
is covering this....
WTF. Wily Mo Pena?? That dude better have awesome hair and tell funny jokes. (If he's a good ballplayer, that will help too.)
And be a musician, and be cute as button. Ben met Bronson. He autographed a ball for him, and was just really nice. He's going to be heartbroken. He was just talking about him this morning, because he couldn't figure out why the Sox had put him in the starting rotation.
I'm telling ya, the Yanks must be trembling in their cleats.
Yeah, just like the Providence...erm Newport...uh Rhode Island. Oh yeah, that's right.
this imminent scientist
He's almost here! Really!!
be cute as button
A really tall, narrow button. What with the hair and the long legs and that high-kick delivery, he looks more and more like a Rockette every day.
At least the Juan Gon deal is a minor-league thing.
WW question:
How have they dealt with the death of John Spencer, if at all?
Just wondering.
he's still alive on the show. as recently as last week (I think) we actually saw him
ww: Yes, he was
definitely on the show last week. This week, it was like half the cast was on vacation or something.
At least the Juan Gon deal is a minor-league thing.
In a way it doesn't matter, he won't be playing anyway.
Daisy, my condolences to you and Mr. J for your loss.