I like this one best:
"The war was the hard part. The hard part was putting together a coalition, getting 300,000 troops over there and all their equipment and winning. And it gets easier. I mean, setting up a democracy is hard, but it is not as hard as winning a war." (Fox News Channel's Fred Barnes, 4/10/03)
Man has obviously never run a volunteer organization committee meeting in his life, if he thinks setting up a democracy is easy.
My friend would have to buy the bags back at $5 per bag, one at a time, until she put everything in them away.
Damn. That's...a good idea. I think five years ago I would have been apalled, but now I've lived with messy disgusting people, it's a good way to break teenagers of the habit. But damn.
Nutty, did you hear the news? Bronson is gone to Cincy.
*gives Teppy the hairy eyeball*
*gives Teppy the hairy eyeball*
t notscarednotscarednotscared....
*sends Teppy many books she never asked for or expressed interest in, and expects full book reports*
Bronson is gone to Cincy.
For Wily Mo Pena, who strikes out one in every three at bats.
<Points at Red Sox Nation>
Hah, hah... </Nelson>
eta: Oops, not at bats, plate appearances.
Hah, hah... </Nelson>
I getting optomistic about the baseball season, I starting to think the Royals can be the next to worst team in baseball instead of being the worst.
This is on the heels of the Sox signing Juan "Gone" Gonzalez to a minor league deal. I'm telling ya, the Yanks must be trembling in their cleats.
The Royals used to have Juan Gonzalez, I think the record speaks for itself.
Nutty, did you hear the news? Bronson is gone to Cincy.
Oh no!! Poor Bronson. He so wanted to stay. I mean, he knew he was vulnerable to being traded, but, he really wanted to stay.
WTF. Wily Mo Pena?? That dude better have awesome hair and tell funny jokes. (If he's a good ballplayer, that will help too.)
Hm. This changes things in the rotation, doesn't it?