I keep seeing
out of the corner of my eye and thinking "oh shit, more snow?!" But NO! It's supposed to get into the mid eighties today, and those
are BUGS.
So from one of the mildest winters (save that one storm,) I appear to have developed PTWinterSD. I guess it was going to happen eventually.
I just had my white chili for lunch. and DAMN if it wasn't SCRUMDIDILIUMPTIOUS! Yummers. I may have more for dinner also.
'Giant' lobster lives up to name
A giant freshwater lobster measuring almost one metre in length has been found in north-west Tasmania.
The species is listed as endangered and is only found in streams and lakes in northern and north-western Tasmania
Giant freshwater lobster researcher Todd Walsh found the animal in an undisclosed location.
Mr Walsh says the male is probably about 35-years-old.
"His claws are about 25 centimetres long. He's probably about 90 centimetres stretched out so he's almost a metre mythical lobster.
Link has a picture
I watched West Wing! I liked it, even if not an awful lot actually happened. Other than
the kiss. Over which I squeed.
I'm looking forward to this final run of episodes, especially since my other must-see shows are now in hiatus, except for VM.
Cuboro -- it's like a lego set but you make a marble run with the interlocking pieces.
Cuboro -- it's like a lego set but you make a marble run with the interlocking pieces.
I totally would have loved that as a kid. As a child I created several examples of lego/marble technology, including a random number generator. (It would randomly give you 'true' or 'false', no matter how you tried to influence the outcome when you put marbles in it.)
What is white chili?
I am having a super-monday monday. I had to go to the dentist first thing this morning, and in about and hour and a half I have to leave for jury duty.
My Monday is tarnished by me being foggy as hell and having to work out how to type with two fingers taped together. It's getting easier. Slowly.
It's brightened by being day 3 of no significant migraine.
My parents told me I shouldn't talk about the lack of pain, but I've talked so much about the existence of pain I think I should not give it short shrift.
I like hearing about the lack of pain. Keep it coming. Last week was a migraine-every-day week for me, but luckily they all responded to Imitrex except one.
Popping in to say hello ("Hello!") and best wishes for a happy Purim tomorrow, for those who celebrate it. For those who don't, it's the Jewish people eating and drinking (often to excess) to celebrate getting saved from the bad guys through the efforts of the beautiful and smart Esther (see Esther, Book of, in the bible). Great story, great holiday (it includes giving gifts of food to friends). Digital hamentashen all around!