msbelle, I have done five loads of laundry & folded two, roasted a chicken, done yoga, and watched Grey's Anatomy. About to do dishes.
I am taping a TV biopic about Tommy Douglas, a socialist politician in Canada most famous for being the father of socialized medicine and Kiefer Sutherland's grandfather. I'm a little sad that they didn't pull off a stunt casting coup and had Kiefer play him. (but I guess Kiefer does look more like his dad than his mom's side of the family.)
My cats have finally figured out that a raw chicken becomes the nummy roast chicken they love. Everytime I checked on it, I was later mobbed by cats. You've never seen three people (well, one person, two cats) so excited when the chicken was ready.
YAY Sue with the productive day.
I love the way the house smells on big cleaning day. The bathroom has all the air-drying clothes in it so it smells like clean laundry. The vuccuumed rooms all have residual carpet freshener smell, and the kitchen smells like whatever is cooking (today white chili).
now I feel like I must list my accomplishments...yet I'm not sure I have any today
brunch/lunch with DH out at a winery.
stopped at two sports stores and compared water purification system prices
visted our friend that fell off a ladder
did dishes
watched bones
did some reading here.
Wrapped a gift
Went to Dim Sum in Chinatown
Did three loads of laundry, with two more to go
Used Magic Mr. Clean thingie to clean tiles walls and counter in bathroom
Ordered new purse online (I get one purse a year and carry it every day so this is a big deal for me and I'm all excited)
About to:
Finish laundry
Scrub out bathtub
clean litter box
dust and vacuum
BAH. One thing is done, anyway.
ha. I cleaned the area around my bedside table - which is in the corner of the room - and unlike DH's , no one walks near it often. so it gathers dust, derbies and then the cat jumps on it looking for the snack bag. so everything falls underneath and behind it. i am covered with dust - I think that means bath time.
I have finally had popcorn with hot sauce and a diet coke. I should have done that HOURS ago.
My white chili is done. 4-5 servings. yum.
my feet hurt like a lot. Therefore, I am putting them up and once the chili has cooled I will put it away and go to bed.