It's a truly beautiful day here. So far I have put on two loads of laundry and went for a walk to get pastry and coffee.
On my way back from the laundry room there was a guy walking down the street dressed as an old man, and he was almost convincing, except that I could totally tell it was a grey wig. And sure enough when he walked past, I could see a little bit of darker hair under his wig. Kids these days...
Standard Sunday buttermilk pancakes with maple syrup and Blue Mountain coffee. Running out of maple syrup--I'm going to have to break into my miniatures next week, or actually buy some in the US. I may be a snob.
Oh, and the pastry and coffee is my second breakfast. (At lunchtime!)
Also, one of my cats has his face buried into my laundry pile and is sniffing deeply. He's such a weirdo!
We're going to Chinatown to have Dim Sum for a friend's birthday today. Mmmm, pork bao and great conversation. Then home to clean the house and do laundry and catch up on the hours of TV backlog on our Little Friend, TiVo. I think it should be a lovely day.
I don't know about LA, but it's perfectly possible to get Canadian maple syrup around here, although there's more than a few maple sugar farmers in the area who will mutter and shoot you sharp glances, and might even go so far as to drive past when you put your pickup in the ditch.
Now I want pastry or waffles or pancakes or something! I wonder if I could actually take my laptop to a restaurant and get work done. It's the getting work done part I'm wondering about.
I don't know about LA, but it's perfectly possible to get Canadian maple syrup around here
I was gonna say the same thing. (Except for the maple sugar farmers, which we don't really have in NYC grocery stores.)
I'm gonna go teach, watch some of the black belt test, maybe, run errands, go back and watch some more of the test, and then go to The Hump with Colin.
Is maple syrup produced in places other than the US and Canada?
Canadian maple syrup is sufficiently expensive here that my snobbery balks at it. I don't buy Blue Mountain here either, no matter how much I want it.