I saw Beowulf and Grendel tonight, the Canadian/Icelandic co-production, with Gerard Butler, Stellen Starsgaard and Sarah Polley. Uh, sure, I liked parts of it, but holy fuck, what a mess. Accents galore! Irish, scottish, Toronto, what the hell, let's have a little kiwi in there. Clothing, hmm, women so difficult to costume for the 6th century, how about some 15th century Spanish? Oh, and by the way, we have three helmets. Would you guys mind crowding together for this shot, then handing the helmets off to those other guys for the group shot? Yeah. Iceland pretty. Lots of cragginess. Some good dialogue, delivered in wildly varying accents across time and space, but good, occasionally. We got Sarah Polley playing Robin of Sherwood Maid Marian as a witch, banging pretty much whatever comes along, so that's good, I guess, if not really all that connected to, y'know, the Beowulf story, but hey.
"Odin, protect us. May we find our way home safely." And in the end, we all did, mostly. Thanks for that, big guy.