We keep losing Internet access at work, see.
Gah! Well, e-mail sent off.
So if I start spamming you with text messages, you'll know I cracked.
Gotcha. I'm also heading home, so if you get desperately insane, call me. We'll make fun of Kevin Sorbo or something.
I wonder if the company realizes how many sales they lose by having an all-flash site, instead of an HTML site, where you can link directly to their products.
Yeah, I gave up pretty fast...
Amych, go home. It's 4pm the Friday before spring break. Who are you expecting, Prince Charles?
It's unbearable hot in my office. Somewhere in the middle of the country, someone's office is absolutely perfect.
That would be me. It's 65° and sunny here with a light breeze, and my office windows are up.
We have windows open ... and it's still in the 80s here. bah!
We'll make fun of Kevin Sorbo or something.
Mocking Kevin Sorbo never gets old.
Mock as the stars burn, mock after they die...
OMGWTF. I have to call the passport agency on TUESDAY to find out the status of my passport. I'm leaving on SATURDAY. (Not tomorrow.) Everyone assures me that the people who have it are "very good" and are "prioritizing by departure date," but I'm slightly suspicious since I sent the damn application in six weeks ahead and they say applications are generally processed within six weeks.
You'll probably be ok. But I know your anxiety. Back in 1995, I sent my passport in for renewal FOUR MONTHS before I was scheduled to leave, so I wouldn't have to try to renew it at the embassy when it expired while I was abroad. Plenty of lead time.
And then Congress had one of its episodes and shut down the federal government. Cue panic.
I got it a week before my plane left.
I'm still personally pissed at Newt Gingrich for that.
So you'll be fine.
I just heard a hilarious story last night from a friend who was mugged just after moving to a new city, so lost every piece of ID she had, along with the cash she was going to open a new bank account with. Her mother sent her old passport from when she was NINE and she actually used that as picture ID! Along with the whole sob story, of course.