There are lots of people who think that the democrats stand for abortion, gun-control, more government regulation, and more taxes. Who the heck wants that?
Me! Me!
And I should be clear, I actually want all those things too. It's not the issues that are driving a wedge between me and the Dem party leadership, it's the way they handle it, and the way they can't understand that the image they project nowadays is causing them so many problems come election time.
AND you have an adorable nephew!
I envy you. Last I saw mine, he was totally monopolized by the evil other grandma.
Let's see, I'm not really for abortion, but I'm not comfortable with the state deciding that for people there might be some restrictions I'm okay with.
I'm not that big on gun-control either. I do think local governments should be able to do some things if they are having a problem with gun violence, but the 2nd admendment limits what can be done. I do think there are resonable limits. Like banning 50 caliber rifles. I'm pretty sure that letting anyone buy a sniper rifle that can hit someone a kilometer away isn't a good idea.
Some government regulation is okay, some is outdated, some isn't a good idea. I think regulations are something that will never be perfect.
I'm not a fan of taxes, but we are probably stuck right now because the deficits are pretty bad.
I'm really not pro-military. Our country is way over-militarized. I don't think we need to spend the same amount on our military as every other country in the world combined. I think this weakens the U.S. economically in the long run an a weak economy is a greater threat than a weakened military. Can't really cut it during the Iraq fiasco though.
I'm really not pro-military.
Things are much more complex than that, Gud. Most of the science funding my group gets is from the military. The military funds some great science.
I'm not a fan of taxes, but we are probably stuck right now because the deficits are pretty bad.
This is one inparticular that's always left me feeling like the imposter among humans. I know nobody likes the government taking part of their paycheck, but taxes help pay for things we all need.
Or should, anyway.
I wouldn't even call them a necessary evil. Just a necessary annoyance. But I also think that the people who should be complaining about how much money they have to pay in taxes are the rich, especially the super-rich, and large corporations.
Exactly the people who fund right-wing campaigns so that they don't ever have to.
Traffic accident right in front of our building. Bad enough for an airbag to deploy. Ambulances, firetrucks, etc. Didn't see the injured driver, but the paramedics are taking her to the hospital.
Things are much more complex than that, Gud. Most of the science funding my group gets is from the military. The military funds some great science.
Then let's just fund science. I'm not against that. But our military spending is just huge. In the 80's our military was about 25% of the military spending in the world. Now it's about 50%. I think we can cut back and use that money in more direct economic investment (including research) and to prevent tax increases that will be necessary with our current deficit spending.
There are lots of people who think that the democrats stand for abortion, gun-control, more government regulation, and more taxes. Who the heck wants that?
Yep yep yep. Only make it abortion rights, and instead of "regulation," say something like "services." Like schools & health care.
I'm certainly not "for abortion." Abortion fucking sucks. It is generally a difficult choice in a field full of even harder choices. But I am very much "for" allowing women to have the right to choose, and for the right to privacy in doing so. I am also "for" greater access to and education about birth control and the morning after pill. Which would reduce the need for abortion. But is opposed by the Christian Right and this administration anyway, so it makes all this bullshit about protecting the fetuses really about controlling women and denouncing women's sexuality.