Food texture issues are just weird. My brain literally can't conceive of something being both desirably delicious and tactile-ly displeasing.
When I lost my sense of taste, I relied on texture to satisfy my tactile food needs. If I was out for dinner with friends, I'd decide what to order by deciding whether I wanted something crunchy, something cold, something hot, or greasy...
Regarding your second point, JZ, I love the flavour of vanilla, but can't stand the texture of pudding, so I'd never eat vanilla pudding.
Hmmm. I love Japanese food (I lurve miso), and tend to avoid Indian and Vietnamese. Too many flavors/textures happening at once.
Hmmm. I love Japanese food (I lurve miso), and tend to avoid Indian and Vietnamese. Too many flavors/textures happening at once.
In general, I prefer the Indian aesthetic of WAY TOO MUCH ALL THE TIME (as seen in Bollywood and various masalas) to the Japanese aesthetic of spare purity (as seen in tea ceremonies and sushi).
Jesse, you should do what I do and just eat it (sushi it, I mean, not IT it) all the time. Then you wouldn't have that problem.
Well, yeah. But it gets pricey.
My house is so small that you could maybe put in a hidden mousehole if you tried hard. Or possibly a cat door between the kitchen and living room....
In general, I prefer the Indian aesthetic of WAY TOO MUCH ALL THE TIME (as seen in Bollywood and various masalas) to the Japanese aesthetic of spare purity (as seen in tea ceremonies and sushi).
And, in a nutshell, the basic difference between the Hecubot and the juliana. (Though I still want to see the Bollywood remake of Fight Club.)
I love Japanese food, both teppanyaki and fresh sushi. And lots of Thai is exceedingly yummy to me, though my taste for the blazing hotness has decreased in recent years. But Chinese is hit or miss depending on how greasy/heavy it is, and despite several attempts I've hated Indian every time I've tried it. Only tried Korean once, but the taste/smell of kimchee convinced me never to try again.
Boy, my plan to eat a cheap homemade pizza tonight is looking much less appealing than it did before reading this conversation...
I'm extremely unfond of Thai food, somewhat less so of Indian (but still on the whole unfond), I can handle sushi only occasionally and when I'm in the right mood, but I love love love love love love love Chinese. Mmmmm.... soy sauce.
I also like crunchy vegetables, even if I don't eat as much as I should, and I adore broccoli, but not anywhere near as much as I adore asparagus and fresh, blanched string beans. Artichokes are pretty effin' good, too.