Most of the Fug is marvelous, but it makes me incredibly sad that the Fug girls are dissing ballgowns with pockets. Pockets rule!
Though admittedly I may be unusually susceptible to the combination of extremely formal formalwear and the jauntiness of hands in pockets. This morning before work Hec and I were watching an extremely minor late 30s screwball comedy in which Lew Ayres plays a rich and spoiled college boy who falls in with taxi dancer Lana Turner and finds out what's
important in life, and every time he slounged in a doorway in his white-tie tux with his hands jammed in his pockets, I wibbled hard.
Not as hard as I wibbled at the way he danced with Lana, his not-small hand against the naked small of her back (black satin backless gown), but there was definite wibblage.
I'm not wibbling at the photos posted by the Fuggers due to incorrect sexual orientation, but still -- can they not see how unbearably stylish and jaunty Sandra Bullock and Amy Adams look? The jaunt is right before their eyes; how can they deny it?
I read your LJ, msbelle, but I'm a Mac girl. But maybe tonight. I can see if my DH's PC is seaworthy.
Though admittedly I may be unusually susceptible to the combination of extremely formal formalwear and the jauntiness of hands in pockets.
Well, guys -- yes. Women -- no. Formal gowns should not have pockets. One might as well wear jeans.
I have nothing against pockets in women's formalwear, but I don't think either of them look better resting with their hands in their pockets than they would with them out.
Drawing attention to the pockets is nifty, but once I know they're there, they don't need to have hands jammed away.
I also don't see jaunty as a women's formal thing. Sassy sure (welcome to the semantic hairlines of my brain), but jaunty? No, that's for another occasion. And for guys it's borderline.
George Clooney is more than welcome to stick his hands in the pockets of his suit, but I don't think it jaunty in the least. And it's certainly not a photo op pose. It's for when he's in the stairwell.
Formal gowns should not have pockets.
All clothing should have pockets. Pockets with Kleenex in them. They should also have some sort of alarm that goes off when I start to wash them with the Kleenex still inside.
Don't get me wrong; I looooove pockets in skirts. Just not formal dresses/skirts. Because....they're *formal.*