Not only is The Unit up against stuff I watch, it's not repeated all over the place like NBC would have done.
I'm gonna have to plug cable into my PC again. I think I want to watch this. I mean, President Palmer wears one of those holsters that straps around his thigh. If it can't be all Clooney all the time, this is a great place to kill time.
And I love the line
"You, you and you--panic. The rest of you come with me."
especially when delivered to the folks on your side. Lots of raspy voices,
Not to mention
the uppity chick who think she's bigger than the covert machine.
I know I won't get the smackdown I hope for, but perhaps a series of small disillusionments will suffice.
It's weird--I'm just a wee bit more gun savvy these days. Makes interesting watching, and my eyes are drawn in new places. But I'd still love to watch it with someone who actually knows stuff about guns, and hear the weaponry commentary.
I got a cancellation appointment for my neurologist this Friday at 1. I turned it down, and then did the math--two weeks until my regularly scheduled appointment, and I've been trembling in pain almost as often as not since the nerve block. Now I just have to get over my irritation (don't bother to tell me it's irrational--I know) at having to ask for half a day to work from home to be able to make it. But at least I'll be able to go in for the morning. AND I have to postpone a lunch with my old boss's boss to accomdate. That doesn't help.
Oh, and Hec? Ducking doesn't really help you avoid a car door, unless you're really short and/or it's a Hummer.
Oh, and Hec? Ducking doesn't really help you avoid a car door, unless you're really short and/or it's a Hummer.
I wish I could consider you an expert on the subject, Li'l Miss Gave Herself A Blackeye But Not At Krav. But your credentials on not hurting yourself with the car door are suspect.
I caught bits of The Unit (before my power went out!) and liked it.
My apartment smells like cooked brussel sprouts. Gross. Not my fault, my neighbors'.
I'm not pointing fingers, but it sounds like some people need to don one of these: [link]
I encourage you to do many experiments, Hec, and report back.
The problem with replacing all the bulbs in a fixture at once is that they all die at about the same time. 3 in 3 days.
I'm 6' 3" and I manage to get in and out of small cars without hitting my head.
Hitting my knee on the steering wheel - now that's a problem....
Fun fact about Shelbyville:
The city of Shelbyville was founded by Shelbyville Manhattan in 1796
Scientists have produced superheated gas exceeding temperatures of 2 billion degrees Kelvin, or 3.6 billion degrees Fahrenheit.
This is hotter than the interior of our Sun, which is about 15 million degrees Kelvin, and also hotter than any previous temperature ever achieved on Earth, they say.
They don't know how they did it.
Rubbing two sticks together?
I'm told it's illegal to transport an unembalmed body across state lines.
Three of my grandparents died in one state and were buried in another, with no embalming. (Two died in NY and buried in NJ, one died in Connecticut and buried in Massachusets.)
I know you are all waiting to hear how my form filling out is going. Tonight working on them was delayed not from working late, but from dinner with BFF (YAY! yummy!). Anyhoo - since I had exhausted past address info from my "leases" file, I dug into my "medical/IDs" file and my "utility letters" file. I now have full addresses back to 1994.
Hopefully the parental units will have the 93-94 address, then I have from memory the 1979-1993 addresses and I know the parentals will have the 1973-1979 addresses. DONE!
of course, the next form is the financials form which asks for balances on everything, so that is another night of file digging.