I know you are all waiting to hear how my form filling out is going. Tonight working on them was delayed not from working late, but from dinner with BFF (YAY! yummy!). Anyhoo - since I had exhausted past address info from my "leases" file, I dug into my "medical/IDs" file and my "utility letters" file. I now have full addresses back to 1994.
Hopefully the parental units will have the 93-94 address, then I have from memory the 1979-1993 addresses and I know the parentals will have the 1973-1979 addresses. DONE!
of course, the next form is the financials form which asks for balances on everything, so that is another night of file digging.
I don't want to be burned or embalmed. You can give the good bits away though.
Maybe find me a Jewish funeral home? "she's a gentile who skeeves on the other stuff. can you give us a hand?"
And I love the line
ita, that was hands down my favorite line in the show, too. I'm really liking it. I hope it sustains this level of enjoyable.
eta: Donation and cremation as well, but still with the tears. Wailing is acceptable. And I'll probably put a clause in my will handing over all my signed first editions to the first mourner who ululates.
I now have the mental image of a funeral with bibliophiles flinging themselves onto the coffin like lemmings jumping off a cliff.
I don't want to be burned or embalmed. You can give the good bits away though.
Awww. You may be the first person in the State of New York to donate her body to pet food.
You may be the first person in the State of New York to donate her body to pet food.
That is a particular exception for Dallas if I'm not found for a few days. It is not
carte blanche
of me as pet food.
That is a particular exception for Dallas if I'm not found for a few days. It is not carte blanche of me as pet food.
Yeah, yeah. We have you in writing, as quoted above, saying you're giving it away for free and you don't expect us to think of pet food?
Wait, let me think about this some more...
Holy carp.
My bus ride took 2 hours. Windstorm damaged the bridge it takes across the lake, so bridge = closed. Traffic was nuts. No clue how long it took Jilli to get home. Or if the bridge will be open in the morning.
Pete was just talking about that in F2F, Plei. Sounds dreadful. I am glad you made it home safely.
Did anyone watch Bones tonight, and feel like filling me in on the first 15 minutes?