Going back a ways, 5 states, 9 cities (plus whatever DC is), one foreign country.
Home is still LA, especially when it comes to flying back from places, since my first instinct is to think I should be flying back to LA.
Love the EW TAR recap of Browsie.
I hope your finger is better, Tommy.
Love the new lobster, but if it showed up on my plate I would be completely freaked. Is this a new species that was just found?
I made a spreadsheet.
and laughs
Joins Dana in the laughing.
I sent the furry lobster to various of my family members and my cousin refuses to believe that it really exists.
Can I go home now before I murderize somebody?
Well, here's a pony that is older than I am. I bet my cousin won't believe this either.
Joins Dana in the laughing.
If you can keep track in your head it means that you've either lived fewer places or have less of a headache than I do. Or both.
Laugh it up, monkey girl. You'll get yours.
(the chocolate's already in the mail, right?)
The spreadsheet just makes me love ita that much more.
I counted on my fingers, one variable at a time, which is one reason my results are scattered over several posts.
I'm totally impressed by the old pony. I hope she gets a big party next year with lots of lovely oats.
I hope she gets a big party next year with lots of lovely oats.
I wonder if she wants a human for her birthday.
The spreadsheet just makes me love ita that much more.
::fist pump::
Love the old pony story. Quite irritated that it contains no old pony picture.
I know!
A very old pony picture should have been included.