The spreadsheet just makes me love ita that much more.
I counted on my fingers, one variable at a time, which is one reason my results are scattered over several posts.
I'm totally impressed by the old pony. I hope she gets a big party next year with lots of lovely oats.
I hope she gets a big party next year with lots of lovely oats.
I wonder if she wants a human for her birthday.
The spreadsheet just makes me love ita that much more.
::fist pump::
Love the old pony story. Quite irritated that it contains no old pony picture.
I know!
A very old pony picture should have been included.
I have to wonder what shape her teeth are in... aren't you supposed to be able to estimate the age of a horse from its teeth? (Thus the adage about gift horses' mouths.)
aren't you supposed to be able to estimate the age of a horse from its teeth? (Thus the adage about gift horses' mouths.)
Or do you cut them in half and count the rings?
looks down at rings on hands
I have giant boobs for a toddler.
I finally got rid of some old cheapie computer speakers that I have been coordinating the freecycle pick-up for, for 2 weeks or more. GONE! YAY!