After watching the oscars, I have a question about boobs.
Is it fashionable for boobs to be far apart or something. I mean, Dolly Parton's boobs are cartainly large enough to smoosh together, and not be these weird, separate things that look fake to me. The only persons boobs who looked normal to me were Paul Giamatti's wifes' (well, and Jennifer garners and Rachel Weisz, but they are pregnant/breastfeeding)
For Salma's breasts to be far apart, one would have to be on her back.
I confess that I stopped clicking through after the first couple of Yahoo Luda ones.
The Yahoo URLS are now converting themselves on the fly to the start of their slideshow.
Next time I'll direct link to the images, I guess, which is less profitable for them.
For Salma's breasts to be far apart, one would have to be on her back.
Well, yes. Although I think her dress made her normally really great breasts look lopsided. But shouldn't Dolly have the same issue as Selma.
And I did stop clicking after, like five "producer Paul Haggis"'s
I think Dolly's are on her back, at least a little.
As for smooshing--I'm a DD, and they really don't have to touch if I don't make them.
Yay! Watching High Society yesterday made me want to see The Philadelphia Story, and sure enough, it's going to be on TCM tomorrow!
TIME magazine (sponsors the Sullivan blog)...IMAX movie...NASA channel...lori is ALLCAPS famous!
As for smooshing--I'm a DD, and they really don't have to touch if I don't make them.
This made me have to check if my DDs are touching now and nope. Thank god for the relatively isolated cubicle.
See, yeah. Two breasts belonging to the same woman, should not appear to be complete strangers, nor should they appear as though they were about to kill one another.