While I have heard that Crash is anvilly, I wonder if a movie showing stuff we all know isn't helpful to some people. Maybe stuff that's heavy handed to people who've thought about it for a long time is fresh and new to people who haven't. Or, maybe, it's an ensemble so everyone in the academy knew someone in it.
I dunno, I just spent a week with people who'd have thought Crash wasn't just heavy handed, it didn't even make a dent.
To Jesse -- @@@@
and now I go to bed. hopefully to dream of men in tuxes and worlds were subtlety in storytelling is appreciated.
Dear George, call me.
At some point over the weekend, I got a package that was mailed via priority mail from LA.
On February 3rd.
Dear George,
msbelle is going to sleep. Call me, and I'll give her the message. Promise.
George really can't do wrong, can he? He can kill puppies and I'd be "hmm, I'll still do him." Not many people can open with a joke on the moratorium montage and slip into somber in 3 seconds flat. And he never seems as glib as he is!
Anyway. I thought this was an unusually entertaining year, though the dresses were bland and so were the speeches. But good old DVR helped.
Reese Witherspoon should die, however. That was possibly the least sincere acceptance speech I've ever seen.
less sincere than " I'm just a girl who had a dream"? which initiates my gag reflex still, a year later.
Yes, actually less sincere. Less sincere than "I'd like to thank my accountant." Cuz I kind of believe that.
it didn't strike me as particularly bad, but I like her.
I still love Reese. In related news, my purse is currently full of Reese Krispie Treats, made in her honor -- Rice Krispie treats with some peanut butter cups included. I only took them because I am not afraid to throw them away!!