ita's brain has a mind of its own?
Consternation reigns at Chez Zmayhem! Emmett has lost the DVD player remote. On the plus side this caused me to clean up everything in the living room. Downside? Still no remote.
How can we possibly live with only Tivo and Digital cable and the still vast collection of videotapes?!?
I lost my nasal inhaler 2 days ago. I finally found it today, in my seldom used bathrobe. All that to say, did you check the strange places yet for the remote?
It's weird how often I find things on top of the fridge.
It'll probably be in the last place you look.
In the list of things lost, I can't find the rubber gasket that seals my blender. I remember washing it with the rest of the blender parts, but now it's nowhere to be found.
My mother's off to do migraine research.
Go Mom! May she have an inspired plan.
Just crawled home. Since the boys were gone for the day my GF made me go to the mall to shop for much need business clothes. She being the shop till ya drop girl and me not having stepped in the mall for nearly 3 years. I survived. She took me for spicy Chinese food as a reward.
Home again I found Jon Stewart on Larry King. (never ever watch Larry) Jon is damn entertaining. Larry is very amused too.
Oh, and I've lost my beret. I've been forced to wear
a touque.
Since touques make me look like a muppet, no good can come from that.
OK, how about this? Everyone else should find their various things, ita should lose the migraine. It seems like a fair trade, no?
In Natter title news, Sundance channel just showed Heathers. Good times.
I lost my motivation and sense of purpose some years ago. I think I left them in the backyard of my old house under some bricks.
Wonder if I can find replacements on eBay...
How can we possibly live with only Tivo and Digital cable and the still vast collection of videotapes?!?
It's like you've become Amish! Possibly without the inbreeding.