Sorry about that rather abrupt cross-post.
I hope everything is all right, Burrell! I remember when chicken pox swept through my neighborhood, and just about all the kids came down with it. My sister brought it home from Karen Powers down the street, and then my brother and I got it at the same time. My poor mom was getting tired of giving baking soda baths and applying that pink gunk on our sores.
I hope that both of the children escape the worst of the pox.
so far so good for Saturday. 1 movie down. found some wireless in the theater, so WHEE! Am having lunch and will see move 2 in an hour.
I had chicken pox twice - one as a baby of Isaac's age, and once when I was 5 (Nutty had it too then, at 2.) Baby me and Nutty had really mild cases, but 5 year old me was way sick - too sick to scratch or complain. I am pretty sure the average case is mild, though. My brother had it when the neighborhood had it, maybe 4 or 5, and it was no big deal.
Good luck with the possible-pox, Burrell.
I just had awesome brunch with my old boss. Yay. It's a gorgeous day here, if cold -- it seems like the perfect weather to go for a drive. Not that I have access to a car.
I am freezing in the Angelica lobby. like hat on and hoodie up freezing.
but it looks pretty outside, just too damn cold.
I got the pox from Ross C. in second grade. And then infected the rest of the class because mom thought they were just spiderbites (I'd normally get a lot of those anyway.) The advantage was that since the whole neighborhood pretty much got it at once, we still had playmates. When we weren't whining and scratching.
Lunch. Need lunch.
Ahh, the Angelika. I used to live just down the block from there. Nothing like a Saturday night being herded like cattle onto the escalator by contemptuous and bored ushers.
I never come here at night. Usually only for morning shows when it is empty. Extra bonus today, the escalators are broken. I love the space and the subways rumbling under the theaters, I just don't know why they cannot put in double doors into the lobby so as to keep it temperate.
Yeah, msbelle, it's nice in the daytime--you can sit on the windowsill and watch folks walking by and maybe have a brownie or something delicious. Have a great movie day!
I am freezing in the Angelica lobby. like hat on and hoodie up freezing. but it looks pretty outside, just too damn cold.
Hence my feeling that it would be best to be in a heated car -- outside, but warm!
You know, I don't think I've ever seen a movie there. Weird. That can't be right.