I get design checks from one of those check by mail or something similar, they are always cheaper than the bank checks I've seen. Mine are a variety of stripe and polka-dot and flower designs.
No tattoos, glad I didn't one when I was younger as I don't do well with permenant style things.
Allyson, my best to you and your family through this.
To show how few checks I use, the address on my current checks is the first apartment I moved into in NYC. I moved out of that apartment five years ago. Now I
there was some mix-up and I ended up with a double order, or I reordered right before moving, or something, but still.
Allyson, I am so very sorry. I'm glad that you are able to be with your family. I will be holding you in my thoughts.
((((Allyson and family))))
Also, Daisy Jane, what did you think of the situation in NOLA? Is recovery happening?
Oh, Allyson, I'm so terribly sorry.
Allyson, I'm so sorry. If there's anything I can do then I'm there for you. You and your family will be in my thoughts.
I need a tattoo where I can see it. Otherwise it doesn't feel like mine.
My checks have Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern or Batman on them. They are THE BEST.
Oh, allyson, that ;s awful. I feel so bad for you and your family, Much peace. Much stregth,
(And now I feel so selfish to quietly ask anyone to fb my poem. Jonseing for feedback,)
Allyson, my thoughts are with you, bebe.