I've been known to read while stopped at traffic lights.
My copy of the new Temeraire book was in Federal Way as of yesterday, which means it damn well better be at my house tonight.
Must stop pre-ordering books now that there's a B&N 10 minutes from my house.
I read the paper as I walk the dog in the morning. Sometimes before it's fully light out so I'm reading by street lamp.
ETA AND it's a sucky paper!
I read at stop lights too! Only long ones, though.
I have reading material in the bathroom, I don't have a magazine rack or anything, but I usually have something that I can look through.
I once saw two people reading Deathly Hallows as they walked in one day. This pleased me.
I've been known to read while stopped at traffic lights.
And this is unusual? Doesn't everybody? You have to have some reading material in the car, otherwise you have nothing to do when the freight train goes by except listen to the radio or count railcars (which I've done).
I can't read in thirty-second bursts, though.
Well, I almost never have to wait for trains where I live, so usually I don't have to stop for more than a minute or two tops.
I read through those really long lights and the drive home, through down town where people love to pull up into the intersection, so sure that the lane will clear before the light change, only to have the light change and then have to wait and wait until the intersection clears up.
And when I'm going home from the library, I'll read even though the traffic isn't bad, but new books! how can I not immediately delve into them?
And when I'm going home from the library, I'll read even though the traffic isn't bad, but new books! how can I not immediately delve into them?
I almost got run over by someone reading a book as they pulled out of the library parking lot.
If I see someone reading, eating, shaving while their driving, I'm likely to yell "Pay attention to the fucking road!" at them.
If I see someone reading, eating, shaving while their driving, I'm likely to yell "Pay attention to the fucking road!" at them.
The current epitome of this is effing cell phones. I know MA drivers are bad about running red lights anyway, but I've seen so many more lately and every. single. time. the driver is yapping away on a non hands-free phone. I'd love to rig up a system so that if red lights are run, an eardrum shattering feedback wave would hit anyone on a cell, except these drivers would probably end up taking out someone else when they reacted.