And when I'm going home from the library, I'll read even though the traffic isn't bad, but new books! how can I not immediately delve into them?
I almost got run over by someone reading a book as they pulled out of the library parking lot.
If I see someone reading, eating, shaving while their driving, I'm likely to yell "Pay attention to the fucking road!" at them.
If I see someone reading, eating, shaving while their driving, I'm likely to yell "Pay attention to the fucking road!" at them.
The current epitome of this is effing cell phones. I know MA drivers are bad about running red lights anyway, but I've seen so many more lately and every. single. time. the driver is yapping away on a non hands-free phone. I'd love to rig up a system so that if red lights are run, an eardrum shattering feedback wave would hit anyone on a cell, except these drivers would probably end up taking out someone else when they reacted.
I don't read while driving at all, just during the lights. From the library to home the traffic is light so the wait at the lights isn't very long.
I gave up reading in the car after a close call, but I still try to have something in the car for traffic jams and trains. I've done a lot of walking while reading.
Which brings to mind a question: who else keeps a basket or other container of reading material in their bathrooms?
well, yeah. Also, my friends at work still call the bathroom (at work) the reading room.
I get weird black spots in my vision whenever I read in the car, particularly in the bright NM sun. Didn't stop me. I was frequently told to stop reading, either because I'd ruin my eyes and have to wear glasses or because I was supposed to be doing something else. This all from the maternal Quaker side; once my mother was out of the picture I could read all I wanted. Thankfully.
I can't read in a moving vehicle because of motion sickness.
The only childhood reading restrictions I can remember are 1)Being told not to read by lamplight only because it would ruin my eyes(It didn't, I'm nearly 40 and still don't need glasses) and 2)Being prohibited from taking out library books that weren't for schoolwork.(guess they thought I'd neglect my work and just read fiction all the time)
I remember getting a special dispensation from the 3-book rule in the children's library.
I read in the bathroom. I have magazines in there, and sometimes a book.
I can't read in a moving car -- not even look at a magazine -- and it pisses me off INCREDIBLY. What a waste of good reading and sitting time. And I hate audiobooks -- they're so damned slow.
The thing that keeps from reading in the tub is that my glasses steam up. (Reading without glasses is not an option. Contacts are also not an option for various reasons.)
I can't figure out how to arrange my arms so that I'm comfortable reading in the tub. My current tub is uncomfortable to just soak in, anyway, so with the right tub I suppose that might change. A stack of magazines lives on the bathroom counter. Driving (or riding while someone else drives) is really the only time I can stand to listen to audiobooks. If I try to just sit and listen to one I either get all fidgety or I fall asleep, and if I try to multitask whilst listening I completely miss large swaths of text. But driving apparently takes exactly the right amount of attention to allow me to follow the audiobook.