Even though I apparently have very contrary ideas about what makes for a good read? ;)
My goodness. If I didn't like people because they liked books I didn't/didn't like books I did, I'd be a very lonely woman!
does anyone even remember Darth?
Oh, yes. We miss him around here, too.
ChiKat! Hi!
Are you getting ready for school?
Hi! Yes and no. Finally finished up my own classes this summer. Been working on cleaning/weeding/organizing so my move goes easier. Just started re-looking for apts. Tues. I start new teacher orientation. I still am working on figuring out what I want to do with my classes.
My Mom and I used to belong to a Great Books group. One summer we read Nabokov's Lolita and it was surprisingly fun. I think the book's more about America than it is about Humbert the old perv.
does anyone even remember Darth?
Of course! I miss him. And I've missed you too, Callaluna! Glad to see you here again. :-)
Today is a tax-free holiday in Mass., so I'm going to take advantage of the fact by blowing a huge wad of cash on graphic novels. Fun!
I read Lolita riding Greyhound back and forth between California and New Orleans 9 years ago. I really enjoyed every other Nabokov I've read, but I just didn't see the point of that one.
I've been avoiding Greg Bear for a while now because I read some far future thing that really annoyed me and I think it was by him (but it might not be, I am all the time getting author's confused for no good reason (see Jack L. Chalker and Stephen Brust. how did I get those two mixed up? I have no idea) so I will let go of my possibly completely erroneous anti-Bear agenda and read Queen of Angels just as soon as my library puts it on the hold shelf for me. I
t heart
the hold shelf.
Oh, Lolita cracks me right up. It's not my favorite Nabokov (I mean, seriously, what could come close to Pale Fire?), but I love how funny it is.
Pale Fire is my gold standard.
I sometimes have trouble recognising humor in literature, I'll readily admit that. Though I did se the funny in Moby Dick, so it's not a complete blind spot.
does anyone even remember Darth?
Out of proportion to my actual interactions with him, I think -- every time I think of North Carolina, I think of Darth and Cybervixen.
I know! I met Darth & C'vixen there on one trip. They were my first Buffistas F2F.